Another week has come and gone and with it comes a bucket load of news. Blizzard have set a release date for their upcoming game Diablo 3, rumours of Game UK selling off to Gamestop and much much more.
Well I hope you enjoy reading the rest of this weeks news. Also if you have any ideas on things you'd like to see added to the weekly gaming news please feel free to leave a comment or : email me
Prototype 2 offers pre-order incentives; don't worry, it won't bite
Game not stocking Ninja Gaiden 3, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Jet Set Radio HD details revealed
Walmart Want GAME?
Grand Theft Auto V Likely to Launch Early Next Year And Wii U Version Is Possible
Obsidian hit with layoffs; South Park team affected, future next-gen title cancelled
Tony Hawk answers Pro Skater HD fan questions. Could be coming to PC
Obsidian missed Fallout: New Vegas Metacritic bonus by one point
Skyrim Update 1.5 Kill-Cams it Up
Super Monkey Ball for Vita lets you generate levels from photos
Japan chart: Vita sales creep up
Ratchet & Clank HD Collection announced and release date leaked
Alan Wake sells 2 million units across Xbox 360, PC
XBLA games get higher gamerscore points
Microsoft confirms next Xbox will not be at E3 this year
Kirby 3D Coming To The Nintendo 3DS?
Pokemon Black and White 2 will have new story and features, box art revealed
Nintendo Has A Massive $10.5 Billion In The Bank
Mega Man Creator Wants To Make A Wii U Game
GAME Won’t Be Stocking Kid Icarus Uprising
Rayman Origins 3DS delayed til 8th June
Mojang can't use 'Scrolls' in any sequels to 'Scrolls,' lawsuit dictates
Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter concludes with $3,335,265 amassed
Serious Sam 3: BFE coming to Mac on April 23
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition announced
New NeoGeo handheld confirmed
Wasteland 2 Kickstarter exceeds goal

The World of Warcraft Annual Pass promotion is still running and will be running until 7:01 A.M. GMT on May 1st, 2012. The Annual Pass consists of buying a one year subscription of World of Warcraft and with this pass you will then receive a free digital copy of Diablo 3.
See More.
Strong rumours are floating around
that Game have hired Rothschild (A financial advisory group) to find a
potential buyer to buy of the company. This seems to be the case
because Game are due to pay their dues in two weeks and if they fail
to pay in time there is a possibility of the lose of thousands of jobs, according to The Sunday Times.
This wouldn't be a shock as Game has been struggling as of late. Especially after Game failing to stock one of the most anticipated games of the year, Mass Effect 3 and a handful of other titles by EA, Ubisoft and Nintendo.
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This wouldn't be a shock as Game has been struggling as of late. Especially after Game failing to stock one of the most anticipated games of the year, Mass Effect 3 and a handful of other titles by EA, Ubisoft and Nintendo.
See More
Fans of the highly acclaimed Super Mario Galaxy games are unlikely to see a third game in the series, says Nintendo.
Hayashida, the director of Super Mario Galaxy 2 claimed it's highly
doubtful that there will be a sequel to Super Mario Galaxy 2. Hayashida
states that the next big Mario game will most likely be an original
concept, as most of the left over ideas from Super Mario Galaxy were
used in its sequel.
“When we worked on Galaxy 1 we came up with a mountain of ideas. Of course, the ideas that made it in to the final product were the ones at the very top. Those ideas that were most compelling or could be implemented most easily and effectively. The other ideas were a little bit rougher. Ideas we weren’t positive that’d be as effective, or might have been much more difficult to include.”
“When you think about trying to make a game like Galaxy 2 from that large group of ideas that we had already decided were on the rough side, that becomes a very difficult project. The only way that we got through the development of Mario Galaxy 2 was by coming up with entirely new ideas. I think of that as a very challenging project when I look back on it.”
“From that perspective, to say we’d make another game using the ideas left over from Galaxy 2, it’s very difficult for me to imagine. I feel like we really did research the field very well for possible ideas and we used everything that was reasonably easy to implement.” - Koichi Hayashida
Let's hope Nintendo will announce the next big Mario game this June at E3.
- Michael Johnson
Game Title:
12th March 2012 | All Zombies Must Die | Steam |
14th March 2012 | Defenders of Ardania | XBLA/PC |
14th March 2012 | Journey | PSN |
14th March 2012 | Shoot Many Robots | PSN/XBLA |
16th March 2012 | BIT.TRIP COMPLETE | Wii |
16th March 2012 | BIT.TRIP SAGA | 3DS |
16th March 2012 | Blades of Time | PS3/360 |
16th March 2012 | FIFA Street | PS3/360 |
16th March 2012 | Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle | PS3 |
16th March 2012 | Silent Hill: Downpour | PS3/360 |
16th March 2012 | Twisted Metal | PS3 |
16th March 2012 | Yakuza: Dead Souls | PS3 |
Game Title:
13th March 2012 | All Zombies Must Die | Steam |
14th March 2012 | Defenders of Ardania | XBLA/Steam |
14th March 2012 | Shoot Many Robots | PSN/XBLA |
15th March 2012 | FIFA Street | PS3/360 |
15th March 2012 | Journey | PSN |
15th March 2012 | Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle | PS3 |
15th March 2012 | Unit 13 | PSV |
15th March 2012 | Yakuza: Dead Souls | PS3 |
Sources: My Nintendo News - Games On Net - Joystiq - Inside Gaming - Eurogamer -
Image Source: Saiyajin Mui - Beesafree - NuffZetPand0ra -
- Michael Johnson
Image Source: Saiyajin Mui - Beesafree - NuffZetPand0ra -
- Michael Johnson
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